Social Media Checklist: Лучшие кейсы в социальных медиа с комментариями ключевых SMM-специалистов

While the fast-moving social media sphere is still in its infancy, it’s getting increasingly crowded and, as a result, increasingly confusing. It’s humbling—the Twittersphere delivers new headlines to digest seemingly every nanosecond. But it’s exciting at the same time.

Картинка Social Media Checklist: Лучшие кейсы в социальных медиа с комментариями ключевых SMM-специалистов

Whether today’s social media darlings will thrive or go the way of Friendster doesn’t matter as much as how this media platform—which is clearly here to stay—is changing consumer attitudes and behavior and how it should drive brand behavior.

JWT’s Social Media Checklist includes 12 actionable recommendations for brands, with case studies to help illustrate these ideas. Our recommendations were inspired by conversations with a globally diverse panel of 18 professionals (both inside and outside JWT) in the social media sphere.

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Источник: JWT

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