28 Января 2009 | 00:00

Шпионские страсти: С посвященной Суперкубку презентации Pepsi украли секретные ролики

Всю неделю, предшествующую трансляции Суперкубка США по американскому футболу вокруг нее загорались все новые рекламные страсти.

Всю неделю, предшествующую трансляции Суперкубка США по американскому футболу вокруг нее загорались все новые рекламные страсти. Сначала руководство Coca-Cola опубликовало свои не до конца смонтированные ролики, а затем ее агентство Wieden + Kennedy долго и безуспешно вылавливало их на просторах интернета. Затем видео-сервис Hulu пообещал раскрыть в своем суперкубковом видео страшную тайну, стоящую за ним.

Теперь же споткнулась Pepsi, устроившая пафосную презентацию своих новых роликов в нью-йоркском офисе TBWA. На просмотр пришли представители ведущих изданий мира, как отраслевых, так и общих, но кроме них в ряды прессы затесался шпион из скандального рекламного издания agencyspy, точнее, его редактор Мэтт Ван Хоувен.

Будучи вооруженным нетбуком и скрытой миниатюрной камерой, Мэтт устроил текстовую онлайн-трансляцию прямо из переговорной, в которой проходила презентация. Кроме того, шпиону удалось заснять на видео и ролики Pepsi, некоторые из которых предназначены для размещения в трансляции Суперкубка.

Большая часть презентации, как водится, ушла на рассказы о том, как Pepsi любит своего потребителя и заботится о нем.

Первый же показанный ролик не относится к Суперкубку и рекламирует новый продукт в линейке соков Tropicana с вдвое уменьшенным содержанием сахара и калорий. Эта кампания должна начаться весной на американском ТВ и в прессе.

Затем публике был презентован ролик, который совершенно точно появится на Суперкубке, продвигающий напитки Sobe. При этом для трансляции на Супербоуле была специально создана трехмерная версия видео, предназначенная для просмотра в 3D-очках. В дальнейшем же планируется показ ее двумерного варианта.



После Sobe настал черед Gatorade, после ребрендинга ставшего просто "G". По словам Мэтта, атмосфера на презентации стала очень веселой, когда серьезные директора стали через слово стали вставлять "G-spot" (провокационная игра слов).



Наконец были показаны два ролика Pepsi Max Diet, которые, пожалуй, оказались самыми привлекательными по креативу из всех вышеперечисленных.





Кроме того, собравшимся рассказали о редизайна логотипа Pepsi. Хотя его цвета являются традиционными для бренда, невооруженным взглядом заметно, что он очень сильно напоминает логотип предвыборной кампании Барака Обамы. Выступавшие на презентации представители Pepsi же объяснили это сходство общими ценностями, заложенными как в бренде Pepsi, так и в бренде Обамы – перемены, оптимизм, надежда и Америка.



К сожалению, к концу презентации у Мэтта стала заканчиваться батарея нетбука, и шпион, что называется, "спекся". Неоднократно восклицая по ходу онлайн-трансляции о разряжающейся батарее, Мэтт буквально сдал себя людям из TBWA. Оказалось, сотрудники агентства также следили за его отчетами и немедленно вычислили его личность из рядов остальной прессы после того, как он обратился к ним с просьбой предоставить розетку для кабеля. Тем не менее, по словам Мэтта, работники TBWA были очень доброжелательны и даже не избили его, с шутками выставив его за дверь.

10:04    Good morning blogosphere, and welcome to the echo chamber.

10:05    Things haven't quite started yet, but we'll be filtering in soon.
10:09    Sitting down, and who do I see of course but the NY Times Stuart Elliot....there's a shitload of people here. Why? How? Who? I got suckered in with the rest of them...
10:12    [Comment From Super Spy]
Are they serving you coffee and donuts at least?
10:13    AgencySpy:  They are - but it's all Pepsi stuff...who wants a Pepsi Max at this ungawdly hour?

10:13    AgencySpy:  At least they have some orange juice...boxes. Felt like a kiddo.
10:13    AgencySpy:  Alright TBWA - let's get this shit going - you have t-minus 45 minutes of battery life.
10:19    [Comment From Julie]
Are they showing the SoBe/Monsters v Aliens 3D commercial?
10:19    [Comment From davidL]
hi Matt, are you going to write about BBDO's great Mt. Dew work?
10:19    [Comment From Rupert Murdoch]
Could you rec the video with secret cam from you watch or smth?:)
10:20    AgencySpy:  Hey all - they're just starting. Bla bla bla bullshit bullshit bullshit...Massimo DeAmori is kicking things off...
10:20    AgencySpy:  Peter Arnell is also here...talking about Tropicana Reinvention
10:20    AgencySpy:  Sorry this is the line-up
10:20    AgencySpy:  Then, Arnell & Dave Burwick to talk about Sobe - there' 3D glasses involved..
10:21    AgencySpy:  Then - Gatorade with Burwick and Jummy Smith
10:21    AgencySpy:  Frank Cooper will talk about Pepsi's RefreshEverything - which was fucking built by R/GA - so not sure what the hell that's about..
10:21    AgencySpy:  @Rupert Murdoch...I have my flip mino
10:22    AgencySpy:  www.pepreinvent.com - check out what we're seeing!!! GO NOW!
10:22    AgencySpy:  And now, Massimo d'Amore...why is there an Italian here? He's talking about Optimism...
10:23    AgencySpy:  shit - pw...no idea - guest?
10:24    AgencySpy:  SO funny - they probably had no idea we were liveblogging this...probably b/c I didn't tell them.
10:24    AgencySpy:  Here's a thought - NY Gov just floated idea of 18% tax on sodas because they're fatty and bad for you and all that...wonder how that will affect Pepsi...
10:25    [Comment From Rupert Murdoch]
www.pepreinvent.com - asking password
10:25    [Comment From howard]
can't get in to pepreinvent.com without a password
10:25    [Comment From Beyonce]
Offer the AAE food for the password
10:25    AgencySpy:  I'm sure TBWA's peeps are on this already...wondering if they're frantic.
10:26    AgencySpy:  CSD - carbonated soft drinks - are declining in the US...
10:26    AgencySpy:  Water - low, single digit growth..
10:26    Super Spy:  What else is knew? They gonna show the shit or what?
10:26    AgencySpy:  then there's NCBs - but I don't give a shit about this and have limited battery
10:26    [Comment From robinzander]
10:27    AgencySpy:  Massimo is optimistic because..they know what's going on - they have good metrics...thay know why consumers are drinking less.
10:28    AgencySpy:  "U.S. consumers continue to love bubbles"
10:29    AgencySpy:  ACK ACK ACK - same number of consumers drinking soda, just with less frequency. My old man always said - bullshit baffles brains.
10:29    AgencySpy:  Massimo "consumers love de bubbales"

10:29    AgencySpy:  so, people aren't drinking as much soda, but they still love bubbles - that's what this dbag is sayin..
10:29    [Comment From Beyonce]
Are they saving it for 2012?
10:30    AgencySpy:  Pepsi wants to be a catalyst for change...easy, Obamawannabe
10:30    AgencySpy:  they want to create rather than mirror culture - reminds me of yesterday's post about Carl Ally - who told the WSJ that advertising doesn not create culture, it reflects is...Pepsi is el-fucked-o??
10:30    [Comment From Rupert Murdoch]
I love big bubbles!!!
10:31    AgencySpy:  @Julie - they will be

10:31    AgencySpy:  This is SUCH BULLSHIT! I love love love it.
10:31    AgencySpy:  Also, someone's feel smell. I hope it's not mine - but this is bad. YUCK
10:32    AgencySpy:  Love watching journos frantically writing in their little note pads...ah the good old days.
10:35    [Comment From Claire]
Surprise surprise. Pepsi has always just been a reflection of what's in.
10:36    AgencySpy:  OK sorry - was dealing w/ some stuff there..back

10:36    AgencySpy:  keep talking about how tough 2009 will be

10:37    Super Spy:  So... what will Pepsi be stealing from culture this time? Gawd. They need to deal with their brand.
10:37    AgencySpy:  OK now they're talking about sustainability....environment - product, talent

10:38    Claire:  They'd be giving themselves too much credit to think they can really create culture. Being talked about doesn't equal the creation of culture.
10:38    Super Spy:  right on claire
10:38    AgencySpy:  [Private Message to Rupert Murdoch] Your comments will now be published automatically. (Reply Privately)
10:38    Rupert Murdoch:  santa matra:)
10:39    AgencySpy:  OK - some guy just came and crouched down right next to me...wonder if he's reading over my shoulder.

10:40    Rupert Murdoch:  maybe he's reading you on his own device?
10:40    AgencySpy:  Yeah Steve, it's all brand bullshit

10:40    AgencySpy:  haha - well he just got up and went to fix the lighting...so yeah

10:41    AgencySpy:  Um there's about 40 people here...lots of cameras...Peter Arnell is up now.

10:41    AgencySpy:  All I can hear is Charlie Brown adult voices.

10:41    Julie:  Tell us what Peter says!
10:41    AgencySpy:  Talking about Tropicana

10:42    erika:  c'mon, more details on the spots! i'm baffled...
10:42    AgencySpy:  Tropicana is a historically great innovator - only brand in the world that can use the words pure premium

10:42    AgencySpy:  Here's pure premium for you...my balls

10:42    Rupert Murdoch:  nice one)
10:42    AgencySpy:  only way moms can serve two servings f fruit naturally to kids every day

10:42    AgencySpy:  2 challenges

10:43    AgencySpy:  1. Carton - little area to innovate - thought was to do two critical emotiionally difficult things....

10:43    AgencySpy:  historically had always shown the outside of the orange -

10:43    AgencySpy:  symbolizing natural goodness from earth

10:43    AgencySpy:  had never shown juice

10:43    AgencySpy:  WOW OMG! NO JUICE WTF???!?!?!

10:44    AgencySpy:  this is such a waste of battery....get to the fucking ads

10:44    Rupert Murdoch:  why are they feeding you this branding shit?
10:44    AgencySpy:  strange kneeling guy is awkwardly kneeling in front of me now - i feel much less awk

10:44    Julie:  wow no juice. But Tropicana is all about breakfast!
10:44    AgencySpy:  @rupert - same reason a dog licks his balls

10:45    AgencySpy:  he's talking about dimensions of carton

10:45    AgencySpy:  Stuart Elliot stopped writing ten minuted ago

10:45    AgencySpy:  when the NY Times stops writing, and AdAge kid next to me keeps going...I feel good about the blog.

10:46    [Comment From Beyonce]
Maybe he's trying to find the origin of the foot smell
10:46    [Comment From erika]
what's the head count in there kidz?
10:46    [Comment From Steve Hall (Adrants)]
So...basically, it's just a lot of brand bullshit?
10:46    [Comment From mynameisvanhoven]
people need to stop blaming other things for thier problems, if u want to smoke and get cancer thats ur problem, if u want to drink and have a kidney or liver problem, that ur problem, if u want to drink bad soda thats no good for ur body thats ur problem.
10:46    [Comment From Cindy Crawford]
So it this press only, or is the whole agency watching?
10:46    AgencySpy:  @ Cindy - I think they're all in here...this place is packed now...like   60 people

10:46    [Comment From Cindy Crawford]
Well, agencies usually write stuarts columns for him anyway
10:47    AgencySpy:  @Cindy - ouch!

10:47    Julie:  is AdRanter there?
10:47    Steve Hall (Adrants):  Have they shown any ads yet or is it all lead up?
10:47    AgencySpy:  branding - now there's black people on the screen

10:47    Cindy Crawford:  @agencyspy The truth hurts.
10:47    AgencySpy:  all lead up - and I think they're talking about Gatorade, then Sobe, then Pepsi...so there's a lot more. Must. Find. Plug.

10:48    AgencySpy:  Peter is umming a lot

10:48    Julie:  oh Hey AdRants! Just asked about you. Guess you aren't there
10:48    Super Spy:  Black people! Wow! Are they listening to hip hop and eating fried chicken with their Pepsi?
10:48    Cindy Crawford:  Probably weird for him to be surrounded by people he can't fire.
10:48    AgencySpy:  they used real families for the print work

10:49    AgencySpy:  I see a plug, but it's in the back of Arnell's head...think he'd mind if I just stick my power cord in the back of his head?

10:49    Steve Hall (Adrants):  I'm there in spirit. And wishing I was in the flesh. To see what I'm sure is a brand blatherific presentation of epic proportion.
10:49    AgencySpy:  oh shit - an ad just started and it's not working right!

10:50    Cindy Crawford:  Some AAE is getting fired...
10:50    Rupert Murdoch:  smiiile)
10:50    AgencySpy:  no on full screen anyway - and the audio is SUPER LOUD

10:50    AgencySpy:  this is terrible

10:50    Rupert Murdoch:  what's audio?
10:50    AgencySpy:  squeeze is the theme of the song...images of nice families hugging

10:50    AgencySpy:  "Squeeze me so tight that I can't breath"

10:51    AgencySpy:  sorry - they're playing a clip now - and the audio is WAY too loud

10:52    AgencySpy:  ok that was awkward

10:52    erika:  a commercial? or a back story on the Trop re-brand?
10:52    AgencySpy:  OK here we go - new product - Trop 50 - half sugar, half calories -

10:52    AgencySpy:  slimmer package design - launch TV and Print in Spring

10:52    Cindy Crawford:  so it's 1/2 sugar and 1/2 calories? Sounds like soda.
10:53    AgencySpy:  Starting SObe now

10:53    AgencySpy:  I'm digitally recording the spots - so I'll upload them ASAP...

10:53    Rupert Murdoch:  thnx
10:53    erika:  what's it lookl ike?!
10:53    mynameisvanhoven:  cool bro
10:54    Cindy Crawford:  Nice work. Spyriffic.
10:54    Julie:  Are you filming with the flip?
10:54    mynameisvanhoven:  please record this thing
10:55    AgencySpy:  OK Peter - stop mumbling

10:55    Julie:  Is the kneeling man still watching you?
10:55    AgencySpy:  Showing off his Sobe lizard dolls

10:55    [Comment From murdochery]
yes the new tropicana box is so bland and generic
10:55    mynameisvanhoven:  ahahahah
10:55    [Comment From murdochery]
matt ur a genious for this
10:55    [Comment From Beyonce]
10:56    [Comment From Guest]
Chiat\Day looks like my grandmother's crotch
10:56    mynameisvanhoven:  ahahahaa
10:56    AgencySpy:  Sorry guys - trying to keep up =- uploading the first YouTube clip now..

10:56    AgencySpy:  will have a link for you momentarily....

10:56    mynameisvanhoven:  make sure u shout out the blog -- we need press too
10:56    AgencySpy:  Peter must stop talking - this feels like a 3rd grade presention on dinosaurs.

10:57    AgencySpy:  @mynameisvanhoven   - which?

10:57    erika:  eeeeh, anticipation!
10:57    AgencySpy:  OK - next spot is in 3d...

10:57    Cindy Crawford:  Ask him how he came up with the brilliant idea of making the cap of tropicana look like an orange.
10:57    AgencySpy:  OK HERE's THE LINK TO WHAT I JUST SAW

10:58    Cindy Crawford:  Wow. They really are creating culture. Real people in ads and 3-D. Both of which are from the 50s.
10:58    AgencySpy:  started filming a bit late, but you get the idea. hope it looks ok

10:58    AgencySpy:  about to film the 3d one...cant wait to see stuart in the glasses!

10:58    [Comment From Guest]
there's a woman here with really large eyebrows... she looks like a muppet and she has really bad breath
10:59    AgencySpy:  @guest - where you at????

10:59    AgencySpy:  intel made the 3d glasses

10:59    [Comment From SugarWaterWhore]
anyone bring up r/ga or bbdo yet
10:59    Guest:  looking from st. pats window
10:59    AgencySpy:  @sugar - not yet

10:59    Julie:  is this the SoBe 3D spot?
10:59    Guest:  the name's father john
11:00    erika:  wow, the 3D Super Bowl spot? holy smokes.
11:00    Rupert Murdoch:  borring video
11:00    Guest:  too loud
11:01    Steve Hall (Adrants):  Is the Tropicana ad running in the Super Bowl?
11:01    AgencySpy:  just saw the Sobe ad...wow...

11:01    Cindy Crawford:  Bad Wow or good wow.
11:01    AgencySpy:  Matt Wright and Justin Tuck are fucking here.

11:01    AgencySpy:  they're in the ad...

11:02    Rupert Murdoch:  fucking in ad?
11:02    Cindy Crawford:  Nothing like unrecognizable athletes to sell sugar water
11:02    Guest:  mmmm.. sugar water
11:02    Cindy Crawford:  Next ad stars Wes Person and Dustin Pedroia
11:02    Julie:  Did you film it?
11:03    Cindy Crawford:  @ Julie. Yes, at the cost of $3.5MM dollars.
11:03    Guest:  holy shit, wilfred brimely is here
11:04    Julie:  No I mean did AdSpy film it on the flip? you going to put it up on youtube?
11:04    AgencySpy:  Julie - one is up

11:04    AgencySpy:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtGhNtMU_iA

11:04    AgencySpy:  uploading the 3d Sobe ad now - will have the link momentarily

11:04    [Comment From nuggets of funk]
how are they going to distribute enough glasses?
11:04    [Comment From Beyonce]
SoBe = Weird Science
11:05    [Comment From nuggets of funk]
is it good?
11:05    [Comment From nuggets of funk]
who are they?
11:05    [Comment From SugarWaterWhore]
who's the CD from chiat in the room
11:05    Super Spy:  is it good?
11:05    [Comment From thepopp]
wilfred's in the ad?
11:05    AgencySpy:  the sobe ad has two NFL player s- and they're here shilling

11:06    AgencySpy:  NFL guys are more entertaining, natural, good

11:07    Guest:  wilfred is in the back of the room. dont ask him for testing supplies
11:09    AgencySpy:  OK TBWA is totally reading me - they just brought me a power cord

11:09    [Comment From thepopp]
yeah, but i bet he has oatmeal samples..
11:09    [Comment From jay]
is sobe done by ny or la chiat?
11:09    Julie:  Wow that is aiding and abetting right there!
11:09    AgencySpy:  OK srry for the delay - have been recording the vid and uploading to YouTube...should be up soon

11:10    AgencySpy:  Yeah - but their PR folks are nice nice nice, so it's alll gooood!

11:10    [Comment From Beyonce]
So nice of them - Did they give you the stare down?
11:10    Julie:  Who is the PR? DKC?
11:10    AgencySpy:  No stare downs - just like - hey here ya go...with a cute British accent

11:11    Julie:  We gotta wonder if they really understand that by giving you a power cord you can now spread the ads far and wide!
11:11    Guest:  she's got a wife
11:11    AgencySpy:  Video is processing - theme is "Sobelieve"

11:11    AgencySpy:  Julie - I think that's the point

11:11    AgencySpy:  now there's a suit talking - he probably makes a lot of money

11:11    Julie:  Really? There is no embargo? That is surprising
11:12    AgencySpy:  it's too late if there is - the giant NFL guys just walked by me - so glad I'm not here to lambast them

11:12    AgencySpy:  Jimmy Smith and Dave Burwick are up for Gatorade

11:12    AgencySpy:  Jimmy Smith is a badass

11:12    AgencySpy:  OK - we HATED the G spot...erm - the Lil Wayne "G" ad

11:13    AgencySpy:  Jimmy is up now

11:14    AgencySpy:  OK HERE'S THE 3D SPOT!

11:14    [Comment From thepopp]
so this is all just a big pre-release party designed to get the spots all over you tube before the superbowl? who knew.
11:14    AgencySpy:  Jimmy "What's G?"

11:14    AgencySpy:  can't describe it too much, or it loses it's cool factor

11:15    mynameisvanhoven:  get me jimmys contact
11:15    mynameisvanhoven:  i want to send my portfolio off to tbwa
11:17    AgencySpy:  now they're showing the G ad...seen it

11:17    [Comment From theredheaded]
that was complete shit
11:17    [Comment From Beyonce]
Meh . . . just meh to the SoBe spot
11:17    [Comment From Guest]
now they're showing the "G" spot
11:17    Steve Hall (Adrants):  Hmm...not sure about that Sobe ad
11:18    AgencySpy:  Steve - agreed..flashy...3d doesn't carry it

11:18    Cindy Crawford:  Same as last year , with a bigger cast. just football players this time
11:18    Cindy Crawford:  Way to create culture, pepsi
11:18    AgencySpy:  NEXT AD PLEASE!

11:18    [Comment From theredheaded]
or reflect culture
11:20    AgencySpy:  Now they're showing a G ad made by some kid on YouTube

11:21    [Comment From Godzilla]
Those were some nice dance moves, uh huh.
11:21    [Comment From nuggets of funk]
not impressed. do the 3d glasses make a big difference though?
11:21    [Comment From Beyonce]
So if we're to believe that Pepsi creates culture then we will all be wearing white on white before Memorial Day - insightful!
11:21    [Comment From SugarWaterWhore]
i think i just found my g-spot
11:21    [Comment From Beyonce]
Is showing the kids ad on Youtube a good idea?
11:21    AgencySpy:  Kanye West blogged about the G ad...WOW OMG

11:21    Rupert Murdoch:  i dislike SObe ad when it starts modern themes
11:21    AgencySpy:  almost out of juice - have two chargers - and no plugs

11:22    Steve Hall (Adrants):  Bet the Sobe ad might looked better if I actually watched it with 3D glasses:)
11:22    Rupert Murdoch:  a lack of creative i think
11:23    Rupert Murdoch:  so.. where's G-spot?:)
11:23    AgencySpy:  ok - so Gatorade is sponsoring what amounts to MTVs Made - taking 8 random atheletes - amatuers - and trying to make them pros

11:23    AgencySpy:  Gspot was same one we just saw

11:24    Cindy Crawford:  $3M ad time + $1.5M for prodution + $5K for 3-D glasses = minimum investment for Sobe $5M dollars for the Super Bowl.
11:24    Cindy Crawford:  Good investment?
11:25    erika:  either way, seeing it in 3d on game day will be neato
11:25    [Comment From Godzilla]
11:25    [Comment From Beyonce]
Did they explain how people can get their hands on the 3D glasses?
11:25    AgencySpy:  Beyonce - no

11:25    Cindy Crawford:  If you're running the brand is neato worth $5MM? When people have to go to groery stores to get the 3-D glasses?
11:26    Cindy Crawford:  And no one is telling people where to get them?
11:26    AgencySpy:  i think they're avail whereever Sobe is sold

11:26    Cindy Crawford:  They have a list of stores on their website.
11:26    Rupert Murdoch:  @Cindy Crawford i think, amount of investment results in faint-hearted creative
11:27    [Comment From Guest]
11:27    AgencySpy:  WOndering who the guy with the black eye is

11:27    [Comment From Godzilla]
11:28    AgencySpy:  standing near the middle left...

11:28    AgencySpy:  Now they're reading the copy on the ads...

11:28    AgencySpy:  this is killing my energy

11:28    Cindy Crawford:  My point is this: I'm all for using the Super Bowl to build buzz around a brand and get people talking, but if you have a $15MM marketing budget, spending 1/3 on a 3-d ad when no one can get the glasses and it only airs once is absolutely silly.
11:28    AgencySpy:  where's that Pepsi Max??

11:29    AgencySpy:  here's the video about the Made-like thing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlXPvEp0zqw

11:29    AgencySpy:  Stuart asks - is G on the SuperBowl? yes - haven't chosen

11:29    Steve Hall (Adrants):  Says video unavailable
11:29    AgencySpy:  hahahahahah someone just asked - "Is lil wayne in the G Spots?"

11:29    AgencySpy:  Steve - give it a minute

11:30    [Comment From SaatchiNy]
11:30    AgencySpy:  What up Saatchi

11:30    [Comment From Beyonce]
Lil'Wayne is right here baby - put a ring on it
11:30    Steve Hall (Adrants):  I have to love a room full of business people talking about G spots:)
11:30    AgencySpy:  hahahah - Steve you got it..it's like NPR on SNL - the schwetty balls skit - noone realizes how ridiculous the sound

11:30    [Comment From Beyonce]
Wish I was there to enjoy the orgasmi-talk
11:31    AgencySpy:  Ads will be online digitally starting Sunday - oops, noone briefed Dave that we already have them up....

11:31    AgencySpy:  individual flavors will have more branding later on..G2, Tiger, sperm et al

11:31    AgencySpy:  i made that sperm one up

11:31    Steve Hall (Adrants):  Matt. was the Tropicana vid an ad or just a brand presentation thing?
11:32    AgencySpy:  just a brand preso Steve

11:32    AgencySpy:  Battery....fading......no....plug

11:32    AgencySpy:  Dave won't say how many Pepsi spots will be in SBowl

11:32    AgencySpy:  TBD TBD

11:32    [Comment From Beyonce]
PR person - get AgencySpy a plug . . . stat!
11:32    AgencySpy:  hahaha thanks Beyonce

11:34    AgencySpy:  Propel is being revamped - seems to compete with G - less athletic tho - and um, they said it's more for women....ouch Dave - that's a sexist product right there

11:34    AgencySpy:  Frank Gruber -to talk about Pepsi relaunch

11:34    AgencySpy:  sorry - Frank Cooper

11:35    AgencySpy:  pepsi max - first diet cola for men

11:35    [Comment From Godzilla]
Here's another sobe leak,
11:35    Rupert Murdoch:  "video about the Made-like thing" - pretty shitty
11:38    AgencySpy:  Uploading Pepsi Ads now - pretty funny actually

11:38    [Comment From Guest]
OK - so the Pepsi Max diet ads were funny
11:38    Steve Hall (Adrants):  rickrolled...funny
11:38    [Comment From @Godzilla]
Welcome to 8 months ago
11:40    AgencySpy:  Think I've got one more upload in the batts before my baby goes out...

11:40    [Comment From Beyonce]
I could warm up to the G-spots
11:40    AgencySpy:  Its uploading now - will have it for you in a sec

11:41    AgencySpy:  Vids are almost done uploading....surprised I haven't been kicked out yet :)

11:41    AgencySpy:  Or the WiFi shut off or something

11:42    Steve Hall (Adrants):  The Gatorade Made thisng wasn't an ad, was it?
11:42    AgencySpy:  Steve - don't think so - but i dunno

11:43    AgencySpy:  HERE'S THE PEPSI MAX DIET SPOT ...

it need a min or two to process

11:43    Julie:  We are surprised you are still there too!
11:43    AgencySpy:  batt is in the red.. :(

11:43    erika:  you dog you

11:43    [Comment From Godzilla]
Sorry, the new G ad is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RejsRq0MtBI
11:44    AgencySpy:  Guy with black eye is a photog...

11:44    AgencySpy:  OK y'all - could be out at any minute - going to hunt for plug

11:44    AgencySpy:  SHIT - they're taling about the Obama logo

11:44    AgencySpy:  fuck it im going til its dead

11:44    AgencySpy:  Optimism, change, desire for all that - Obama tapped into that

11:45    Cindy Crawford:  @godzilla...perfect!
11:45    AgencySpy:  the logos are diff - but Pepsi wants to tap into that spirit...wow, they admitted wanting to copy Obama - from where I'm sitting, anyway

11:45    [Comment From Godzilla]
fuck it, we'll do it live!
11:45    [Comment From Beyonce]
You're a trooper
11:45    AgencySpy:  going for plug now...

11:45    Rupert Murdoch:  coold you use your phone for typing?
11:47    AgencySpy:  WHo ios jeremy and why did he just mob me awkwardly? called me "young man"

11:47    AgencySpy:  Who the fuck is Jeremy?   just gave me the "let me know if you need anyting you litle fuck" back tap

11:48    [Comment From GuestSF]
that's not live
11:48    [Comment From howard]
jeremy miller pr guy for tbwa ww
11:49    AgencySpy:  front desk girl is checking out Perez...love this liveblogging - Gatorade and Pepsi branding people just walked up and said - hey, you were just blogging about Jeremy

11:49    [Comment From Godzilla]
did he massage you? did IT move?
11:49    AgencySpy:  OK im outty before this gets more awk!

11:50    erika:  no staaaay
11:51    Steve Hall (Adrants):  yea, stay...lol
11:53    Rupert Murdoch:  spy ways to Guantánamo...



Текст: Степан Трифонов


Источник: AdIndex.ru

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